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UKI INTERNATIONAL LTD is an independent global distributor of thousands of electronic components since 2007. We have our worldwide inventories through own system and can check products immediately. With our plenty of global sourcing channels and extensive industrial experience, we manage millions of line items from more than 3000 business partners in many countries through our company’s database. we have a plenty of business contacts and share information with big manufacturers, which can also help us mostly fulfill diverse demands of different customers.

UKI INTERNATIONAL LTD has a professional team to take care of our valuable customers, and we are committed to the highest quality standards for our customers.

Hong Kong  office

1318-20, 13F Hollywood Plaza 610 Nathan Road

MongKok Kowloon, Hong Kong

TEL 852-2710-8200 EXT 7190

FAX 852-2710-8266



China Mainland office

#1507, Hualian Building, No.2008 of Shennan Road.

Futian district,Shenzhen,Guangdong, China.

TEL: 86-755-83675790


Contact Us
  • HONG KONG:1318-20 13F Hollywood Plaza 610 Nathan Road MongKok Kowloon Hong Kong

  • Tel:+852-2710-8200  Ext:7190

  • Email:Marketing08@uki-tec.com